GSoC final report

These awesome three months of summer spent developing for python-casacore under Google Summer of Code, have filled me with great zeal and zest. The adventurous journey of thousand lines of code comes to an end. This entire project was quite informative and filled me with lots of good experiences and ...READ MORE...

GSoC wrap up!

How time flies! Three months of the GSoC coding period are coming to an end now; most of the coding is done; documentation is done; testing is done. After missing 3 blog posts, unfortunately (I postponed it due to some rough time I had), here is a long one, describing whatever I did during my summer ...READ MORE...

SunPy Website Improvements

Believe or not, there is only one week left to the end of GSoC ! The whole GSoC period became an unforgettable experience for me. I still remember the first time I read the documentation of Sphinx and say “What the hell am I supposed to do now ?”The old SunPy website was a Ruby based Jekyll static w ...READ MORE...

IRISPy using NDCube

So finally NDcube is being used in IRISPy. NDCube turned out to be pretty generic and so it can be used for other mission also.Starting to write the to_sunpy() method it will convert the NDCube to a Sunpy object depending on the wcs axis and shape of data. Also need to make corrections in the meta, ...READ MORE...