Part 3: The Debugging

This is part 3 of the ongoing series of my blog posts describing my journey as a Google Summer Of Code student working with Sunpy to develop Sunkit-image, an image processing toolbox for solar images.This particular part describes the work that has been done from 10th June to date. This part of the ...READ MORE...

2 weeks into GSoC

I had a feeling in the community bonding period that something will mess up at the start of the coding period as I had the toughest part lined at the start. The same did happen… At the start, I had two weeks for porting reproject from Astropy. In short what it does is, it align two different astrono ...READ MORE...

Week 3: Querying progress

What I completed last week: Made a separate git repo for my GSoC related work. This will make it easier to track changes, make suggestions, etc Edited the first tutorial such that: The only data files left in notebook are the CCD quantum efficiency table. The other bits of data are queried/modeled w ...READ MORE...

Part 2: The Dive

The Coding Period of the Google Summer of Code officially began on 27th May 2019 — for me, it was the day when the “Dive” into the realm of code began.This post is the second post in the series of posts I am writing every two weeks to describe my journey as a student in Google Summer of Code Program ...READ MORE...