Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks


In our ongoing objective to enhance the accuracy of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) light curve interpolation, we've previously explored various traditional and machine learning methods. Building on this foundation, this post introduces a sophisticated approach involving a Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network (BRNN) coupled with an interpretative neural network layer, aimed at capturing the dynamics of AGN light curves more effectively.

Understanding Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks (BRNNs)

BRNNs are an extension of traditional Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), designed to improve model performance by processing data in both forward and reverse directions. This dual-path architecture allows the network to retain information from both past and future contexts simultaneously, which is particularly beneficial for predicting sequences with complex dependencies, like those found in AGN light curves.

Implementing an Interpretative Neural Network Layer

To make the outputs of the BRNN more comprehensible and useful, we integrate an additional neural network layer specifically for filling missing gaps. This layer translates the complex, non-linear relationships learned by the BRNN into clearer, more interpretable patterns. 

Results and Insights

While the results are improving with the training of the model, there is still room for further improvement and refinement.

Future Directions

While the current model represents a significant advancement, there is room for further enhancement. Future work will explore the integration of additional data types and testing more complex neural network architectures to refine the predictions further.


The integration of BRNNs with an interpretative neural network layer marks a significant leap forward in our ability to interpolate AGN light curve data accurately. The idea of using both future time sequences and past data could improve the understanding of the ML models and predict the missing gaps better.