Python in Astronomy 2019
29 July - 2 Aug 2019
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore

The fifth Python in Astronomy Conference will be held at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore from 29th July - 2nd August 2019.
This conference series aims to bring together a wide variety of developers, educators and other contributors to Python packages in the context of all forms of astronomy. The conference will include unconference sessions, presentations, sprints and tutorials. As well as expanding the community around astronomical uses of Python, the conference aims to improve collaboration and interoperability between Python packages, and to share knowledge on Python packages and techniques.
All participants at the conference will be expected to follow the code of conduct.
More details will be made available on this page closer to the week of the conference.
Applications are now closed. Successful applicants will either be invited to accept a place at the conference or placed on a waiting list. If you are put on the waiting list, you may recieve an invitation when more places become available. We aim to start sending out initial invitations in early April. Please contact the organising committee if you have any questions about the application process.
The conference schedule and related info can be found here.
Chat and Social Media
We will be using both Matrix and Slack for online chat throughout the week, with a bridge to sync messages from one to the other, so people can use whichever platform they prefer. You can go here to get an invitation for the Slack team, or here to join the Matrix community. We will be using this chat throughout the conference for discussions about talks, unconferences, etc. and to facilitate remote participation, so we encourage everyone to join the chat and to share the links with anyone else who is interested in following the conference.
The twitter hashtag for this workshop is #pyastro19, and the main twitter account will be @pyastro19. Feel free to use the hashtag before, during, and after the workshop to connect with other participants and the wider community.
Remember, when interacting with people either in person or online, you are required to follow the code of conduct.
Organising Committee
The organising committee consists of: Drew Leonard (chair), Monica Bobra, Nicholas Earl, Timothy Pickering, Brigitta Sipocz, Abigail Stevens, and Erik Tollerud (local liason).
To contact the organizers, send an email to
Lodging information
The Space Telescope Science Institute is located in Baltimore, MD, USA at: 3700 San Martin Dr, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA. The most conveniently located hotel (within easy walking distance) is the Inn at The Colonnade which has a reserved block (details to follow for registered attendees).
While no other hotels are in walking distance, there are a wide range of hotels in downtown Baltimore which are either on public transport lines or an easy Uber/Lyft ride to the Institute.
Alternatively, the nearby Hampden, Wyman Park, and Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhoods (10-20 min walk from the Institute) typically have many airbnb options.
The Python in Astronomy conference series aims to be accessible to a broad and diverse range of participants. As part of that effort, we try to keep conference fees to a minimum and to provide funding to those applicants who need it. To be able to do that, we rely on generous support from external sponsors.
If you would like to support the growth of the Python in Astronomy software ecosystem, please consider contacting the SOC to discuss sponsoring PyAstro19.