Blog 1: Rethinking Coalignment from Ground-up

The Very Essence of Coalignment

At its core, coalignment is all about making sure our solar images match up as best they can. It uses a few different techniques, like template matching and solar rotation correction, to get this done. This is really important when we’re trying to accurately track and study what’s happening on a part of sun over time. We re-thought the entire process of what our new API be providing to the users as well as its structure.

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Beeminder does things man

 So to keep on top of my things and not procrastinate them away, I use beeminder to do the stuff. 
Think of beeminder as a tool to keep you on your toes. So we can have any tasks on beeminder and it has all kinds of automations to connect with. So it doesn't do anything if you are completing the work, but if you are not doing your work on your scheduled pace then it stings you. So they charge you money from your bank account if you are not doing the work. I almost failed today but was able to complete the stuff in time to not get money deduct from me.

But god it works. It's a really good tool to just stop procrastination. Because it costs you money. 

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The start

The first aim for this project is to add support for the atomic Kurucz database to RADIS. A PR containing previous work done on this provides a starting point. Much use had been made of code from the ExoJax project, which had already implemented support for the Kurucz database and with which RADIS is pursuing a common API.

After examining the work done so far in that PR, I merged it onto the latest develop branch with few conflicts to resolve. There are a number of errors and/or placeholders in the previous code that are gradually being corrected.

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Starting the Project

We are excited to start this project at the intersection of artificial intelligence and astronomy hosted by the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program and work with the incredible team at OpenAstronomy. This project, which focuses on leveraging advanced data processing and deep learning models to enhance astronomical research, represents a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between data science and astronomy.

I am eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm aiming to tackle the complexities of diverse astronomical datasets. Working with the dedicated professionals at OpenAstronomy, I am confident that we will make significant strides in advancing the field and promoting the principles of open science and collaboration.

Together, we will push the boundaries of what is possible in astronomical research, paving the way for new discoveries and fostering a more inclusive and accessible scientific community. I look forward to the exciting journey ahead and the work we will accomplish as a team.

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Community Bonding and Week 01 Progress

This post documents the planning of the project, my learnings during the community bonding period, and the tasks I completed in my first week.

Community Bonding Period

After the euphoria of being accepted into GSoC faded, it was time for setting up my workspace and diving back into the codebase after a month. Planning out the project was key, and meeting with my mentors was a big part of that. I was excited for this chat because the mentors had been super helpful and easy to reach during the proposal stage.

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