Tackling the Challenges of Active Galactic Nuclei Data with Machine Learning Models

 Understanding the Complexity of AGN Light Curve Data

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are among the most luminous and dynamic objects in the universe, characterized by their variable light emissions that provide key insights into the mechanics of galaxy evolution. A fundamental challenge in studying AGNs is the nature of the data collected where the parameters such as time and wavelength are critical. Each observation captures the light curve of an AGN.

However, this data isn't straightforward. Observations are taken using different instruments, like different stations or satellites, leading to variations in data quality and measurement techniques. More critically, there are inevitable gaps in the data, caused by factors ranging from environmental conditions blocking observations to the simple fact that different tools have different operational time frames and capabilities.

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It’s going good.

It’s going good.

The past two weeks were dedicated to the implementation of wavelength functionality. Now, wavelength has been successfully implemented for the applicable instruments. Along with that, a how-to guide has been created to assist users in navigating querying over wavelength for different instruments. Additionally, a gallery example for wavelength and detector has been added.

What’s the direction of implementation:

The implementation of wavelength can be divided into two parts:

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GSoC [Week 02-03] Progress

This blog post covers all the work done in the second and third week of Google Summer of Code.

In the past weeks, my focus has been on enhancing the serialization support of NDCube by extending its support for ExtraCoords and GlobalCoords. After establishing serialization support for the fundamental attributes of the NDCube object—such as data and wcs—in the ASDF file format, the next logical step was extending this capability to include ExtraCoords and GlobalCoords object.

GlobalCoords and ExtraCoords

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Stark broadening and the Common API

Stark broadening for atomic lines has been implemented with different temperature scalings for neutral and ionised radiators.

I integrated the API for atomic Kurucz linelists into the Common API, and in doing so the issue related to truncation and optimization seems to have been resolved.

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Blog 2: All Pieces Falling into place

Update On New Coalignment

The very first version of the new Coalignment API has been completely implemented, with all the test cases written! The architecture of the proposed co-alignment API closely mirrors the design principles found in SunPy’s rotation module, where a decorator pattern is employed to register specific methods designated for executing co-alignment tasks. Detailed documentation and guidelines on utilizing the new API are available for review at this docs.

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Finally ported from functional approach to class based approach

 I earlier had developed the basic structure of app in terms of functions in separate files and somehow had managed to serve the dashboard through only one panel serve ( panel serve app.py --autoreload). It was a clever use of view to turn on and off when use clicks the button and importing the UI from different functions(that is different .py files). But this was an unmaintainable and unscalable approach. So now I have shifted to a class based approach and have made important classes to do the stuff. 

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