Community Bonding Period


Hello everyone this is Sri Guru Datta P.(pupperemeritus). I am extremely excited to get started with my GSoC journey. It has been a dream come true for me.

Most of the progress in these weeks has been done on the fronts of

  1. Re-adjusting the proposed schedule : Re-evaluating and taking a closer look at requirements
  2. Gathering more information required to implement : Been provided reference implementation in MATLAB by Dr. Jeff Scargle himself. And validating the plan and research done during the period of creating the project proposal.
  3. Had weekly meets to break the ice and communicate more directly through weekly meets with mentors.

Environment setup

I had already completed my environment setup earlier in order to make pull requests to stingray. I just followed the documentation.

Codebase familiarity

I already had a bit of familiarity with powerspectrum, crossspectrum and bexvar modules as I had worked on various pull requests on them. My mentor advised me to look into multitaper, which I did. It gave me a few ideas on how I could implement this project.


I had already started a few days early and went ahead and implemented the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transform which will be the backbone of the power spectrum and cross spectrum. 2 days into the coding period and I also have started coding up the wrapper classes. It turns out to be a very tangled process in order to get every small nook and cranny of the class to work. But I have seemed to get the hang of it.