Benchmark Tests

I have finished the refactoring the code for vaex and also writtten test cases to compare the spectrum calculated using pandas with the dataframe calculated using vaex dataframe . Also, Various spectroscopic quantities as absorbance , emissitivity is also compared for the both the dataframams. Also, there was many issues that was raised by the maintainers and I have resolved almost all of these , and commented on the other issues to discuss the problem and discuss some possible solution .Issues raised by the maintainers was mainly related to make changes more matainable and easy to understand and simple programming logic is preferred inplace of using some complex code without explaining that in detail. Also , the issue was to ensure a light test suite , that is test cases which takes less resources and time . Initialy , I didn’t focused on this thing and focused on testing the code and changes more elaborately by writing the test cases that cover many areas of code .

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GSoC Week 9-10

Big progress on the front of algorithm working. Turns out there wasn't that much of a problem in the algorithm. I just had to subtract the mean from the data before taking the fourier transform. The Lomb Scargle seems to work on data that has mean subtracted from it. Furthermore they dont seem to work that well or at all in full spectrum.
The LSFT also is highly sensitive to the time intervals that are input to it. I have found some more clues as to how to make it even better. I will expound upon this further within 2 weeks since my final exams are going on and I have limited time.

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Docs and Marty and the Moving Around of Code and Tests

Since the last post, I worked on the moving-the-code task. Me, Nabil and Alasdair got on a call to discuss what should go where and I ended up creating a file to complement the file. The other options were moving the functions to or inside the file but outside the Scraper class. After I moved the tests as well, I wrote new tests, increased test coverage and renamed some functions which were previously named in the JavaScript-style CamelCase. I also added and extended doc-strings to some functions which could use some updating and made fixes as asked in Code-Reviews.

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Progress on Kurucz and NIST databases

Since the last article, I received a lot of feedback and comments about the Kurucz PR.

Here is and example of a Fe_I spectrum I can obtain with these conditions.

The main remarks where that :

I needed to adjust the code to make it more general and user friendly. I introduced a specie argument to SpectrumFactory and calc_spectrum to replace atom and molecule and gather them under a same name.

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