GSoC Week 1 Progress Update


Week 1 has been quite eventful with me creating a Lomb Scargle Fourier Transform function and get a working class for Lomb Scargle Cross Spectrum and Power Spectrum.

I inherited my LS cross spectrum from the regular cross spectrum class. Had to rewrite the constructor, initial_checks , make_crossspectrum, _make_auxil_pds and _initialize_empty. And also wrote a new _ls_cross method which just returns the frequencies and cross spectra for given light curves and it is an internal function only to be used by the class.

The original slow implementation has been completed. I am still working on the fast version.

As this is not a project that can be completed in a bunch of small PRs, I will push to a single PR which will be merged after completion of the project. The following draft PR is the one to which I will be pushing to.


The following are the APIs for the classes

Cross Spectrum

Make a cross spectrum from an unevenly sampled light curve.
You can also make an empty :class:`Crossspectrum` object to populate with your
own Fourier-transformed data (this can sometimes be useful when making
binned power spectra).

data1: :class:`stingray.Lightcurve` or :class:``, optional, default ``None``
The dataset for the first channel/band of interest.

data2: :class:`stingray.Lightcurve` or :class:``, optional, default ``None``
The dataset for the second, or "reference", band.

norm: {``frac``, ``abs``, ``leahy``, ``none``}, default ``none``
The normalization of the (real part of the) cross spectrum.

power_type: string, optional, default ``real``
Parameter to choose among complete, real part and magnitude of the cross spectrum.

fullspec: boolean, optional, default ``False``
If False, keep only the positive frequencies, or if True, keep all of them .

Other Parameters
dt: float
The time resolution of the light curve. Only needed when constructing
light curves in the case where ``data1``, ``data2`` are
:class:`EventList` objects

skip_checks: bool
Skip initial checks, for speed or other reasons (you need to trust your

min_freq : float
Minimum frequency to take the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transform

max_freq: float
Maximum frequency to take the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transform

df : float
The time resolution of the light curve. Only needed where ``data1``, ``data2`` are

method : str
The method to be used by the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transformation function. `fast`
and `slow` are the alloowed values. Default is `fast`. fast uses the optimized Press
and Rybicki O(n*log(n))

freq: numpy.ndarray
The array of mid-bin frequencies that the Fourier transform samples

power: numpy.ndarray
The array of cross spectra (complex numbers)

power_err: numpy.ndarray
The uncertainties of ``power``.
An approximation for each bin given by ``power_err= power/sqrt(m)``.
Where ``m`` is the number of power averaged in each bin (by frequency
binning, or averaging more than one spectra). Note that for a single
realization (``m=1``) the error is equal to the power.

df: float
The frequency resolution

m: int
The number of averaged cross-spectra amplitudes in each bin.

n: int
The number of data points/time bins in one segment of the light

k: array of int
The rebinning scheme if the object has been rebinned otherwise is set to 1.

nphots1: float
The total number of photons in light curve 1

nphots2: float
The total number of photons in light curve 2

Power Spectrum

Make a :class:`LombScarglePowerspectrum` (also called periodogram) from a unevenly sampled (binned)
light curve. Periodograms can be normalized by either Leahy normalization,
fractional rms normalization, absolute rms normalization, or not at all.

You can also make an empty :class:`LombScarglePowerspectrum` object to populate with
your own fourier-transformed data (this can sometimes be useful when making
binned power spectra).

data: :class:`stingray.lightcurve.Lightcurve` or :class:`` object, optional, default ``None``
The light curve data to be Fourier-transformed.

norm: {"leahy" | "frac" | "abs" | "none" }, optional, default "frac"
The normaliation of the power spectrum to be used. Options are
"leahy", "frac", "abs" and "none", default is "frac".

Other Parameters
dt: float
The time resolution of the light curve. Only needed when constructing
light curves in the case where ``data`` is a
:class:`EventList` object

skip_checks: bool
Skip initial checks, for speed or other reasons (you need to trust your

min_freq : float
Minimum frequency to take the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transform

max_freq: float
Maximum frequency to take the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transform

df : float
The time resolution of the light curve. Only needed where ``data`` is a :class`stingray.Eventlist` object

method : str
The method to be used by the Lomb-Scargle Fourier Transformation function. `fast`
and `slow` are the alloowed values. Default is `fast`. fast uses the optimized Press
and Rybicki O(n*log(n))

norm: {"leahy" | "frac" | "abs" | "none" }
The normalization of the power spectrum.

freq: numpy.ndarray
The array of mid-bin frequencies that the Fourier transform samples.

power: numpy.ndarray
The array of normalized squared absolute values of Fourier

power_err: numpy.ndarray
The uncertainties of ``power``.
An approximation for each bin given by ``power_err= power/sqrt(m)``.
Where ``m`` is the number of power averaged in each bin (by frequency
binning, or averaging power spectra of segments of a light curve).
Note that for a single realization (``m=1``) the error is equal to the

df: float
The frequency resolution.

m: int
The number of averaged powers in each bin.

n: int
The number of data points in the light curve.

nphots: float
The total number of photons in the light curve.